Live a life that you won't regret

Live a life that you won't regret ♥


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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Assignment 12

Today I don't really feel like writing an introduction about a game or anime so I think that I will write a diary instead. ♥ I don't know why but today I don't really feel happy, just a little nervous, because of the role play we have to do. My group included Kris and me, you know, it was randomly chosen by Mr Jacob and we sit right next to each other. How weird? he gave us 8 topics and we chose no.6: You are disagree with your test results.

So, we decided to act the scene of a student who got bad score and she was coming to the teacher to complain and she got half of her point minus because of her wrong complaint. ♥

Do you know why I always use this sign ♥ ? It makes me feel better whenever I look at it. :) My feelings today was worse than ever because it isn't rain, it isn't a storm because after a rain it always has rainbow but I don't see it. It so dark here because my moon and sun just doesn't shine my way for me and I am completely lost in the world of mine! :[[ I hate that feelings but no one can get away from feeling it at least once?

Cinderella. 2011. Rain... my special love. Photo. Available from: [Accessed Date: 10 January 2012]
i have always been in love with the rain...right from my and forever....rain is a very special feeling.....
every time i play in the rain...
it gives me back my innocence....
lets me forget all the pain...
and gifts my soul the ultimate peace...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Our class 4rum =]]

Yeah! It's 2012 already. Great ~ Now I'm one year older ==" :(( I don't want to get older!!!! Stop. Let's get back to our main topic.

I had created a forum for our class, ONLY FOR OUR CLASS!!! Here is the link: We now welcome you to our family :D It would be great for you to join us. We now have 10 members, 9 from our class included the Admin, who is also me ♥ You can log on to our forum to post your fiction for people to read; make a fun story to create laughter; post picture to get back to the past; get your name into our V.I.P list and receive better rating. ♠♣♦♥ 

Tran, Erementar. 2011. y90712. Photo. Ho Chi Minh. Erementar. Available at:
It's where for you to share feelings for other, trying hard to be a spammer [I bet if Nam like this, he will be]; Admin and Mod will create events for member to have fun and get reward; this 4rum is where you can update your present info for your friend to look up and where you can find your love like a family. Make it our precious property ever ♥

Here is the contact of the admin, if you need any information, contact me.
Email: Y!h Messenger:
Tel No.: +84908882497
Admin name: Erementar ♥


SISy9 - 0712

This is a precious property of our.
We are a family